Why do I like this admittedly generic thing as opposed to games I derided for similar generic tropes? It’s because Echo of Soul isn’t pretending to be revolutionary. I like the ways I can find situational rotations that work well for my class, rather than the Ragnarok 2 and Allods Online approach of “Press same three buttons until something dies.” I actually DID like the PvP, and as much as Grindstone might not want to admit it, I think they liked when we went in premade, because regardless of how often we were stunlocked and instagibbed, we still managed to WIN the matches we went into. I like the “dollar store” early game economy approach.

It keeps me paying enough attention to want to focus on what I’m doing, but still requires so little thought that I can play a video, listen to a podcast… Hell, watch the hilariously well timed SGDQ marathon all while advancing through the game with very little effort. Not enough for it to take my attention away from dozens of far better, more imaginative titles, but I still like it. Hey, do I have to be that guy? I don’t want to be that guy, but I think I’m going to have to be that guy. The only reason I would play this would be if you already have friends playing this game. If this was 2007 or 2009, this might not be a bad game to play, but now, there are so many MMOs that are better, whether they are free-to-play, buy-to-play or subscription, the market is flooded with MMOs that would be more satisfying to play. Once you have played through the first 10-15 levels, you have played through the entire game.

To conclude, Echo of Soul a very generic MMO with a boring fighting style, with generic setting and boring content. It turns out that the party leader and only the party leader has complete control of the party, including being able to kick people without a vote. The problem comes when you are kicked out of the party the second you enter the dungeon, constantly. Unless you have a pre-made party with you, you will have to use the smart matching tool, which is just another name for a looking for group tool. And once you hit 60, all you have are just a handful of dungeons to grind on, some pvp arenas, a gindy daily hub, and a single boss raid.Ī generic MMO with nothing to do, I was okay with everything until I hit 60 and saw the community for what it was. The 1-59 experince was the least stressful and least engaging experience I have ever seen. Everything also costs 1 silver, whether it is crafting materials or healing items. Even party and co-op mobs were easy to solo, especially if you were 2-3 levels above the mob. The game was so easy, that all I had to do to kill anything was press the 1-8 key, and maybe Q or E if they pop, and anything in the open would world be dead. I did end up getting to max level on my rogue and the leveling process was very painless, even though they throw so many quests at you. The good thing is I could watch a bunch of Youtube videos or Twitch streams while playing this game, since I did not really need to pay attention. The graphics only acted odd once, the leveling experience was tolerable and there was nothing that I saw while leveling that made me mad, I was just in auto-pilot most of the time. I have played worse MMOs this year, like Allods Online and Drift City, so this is not a terrible game, from a technical aspect. This is probably the most cookie-cutter MMORPG I have ever seen.

If I had to describe this game in one word, it would be generic. Everything else is a hobbled together mess. The PvP’s just a shitty version of a MOBA. The PvE’s subpar, if you want that play a better WoW-clone. Everything in Echo of Soul is comparatively shit. There are games that are more fit for whatever your tastes are. You! Yeah, you! You’re a person, right? You have tastes? Good, then stay away from Echo of Soul. Nothing stands out to make it unique or memorable especially when compared to others within the genre. It honestly feels like too much effort to even log in to the game. I can’t stand this game, but I can’t hate this game either because it is just so boring and so generic that I can’t even be mad, I just get tired whenever I play it. This will be a short response from myself. The rest… not so much. I guess it’s time I play the contrarian again! Karochi and Dobar are back this round, along with Dreskar as per the usual. Dobar had a lot to say.